Featured article
Can a Four-Day Workweek Lead to a Healthier Workforce?
The move to a shorter workweek is increasingly seen as a valuable response to the growing concerns surrounding employee well-being, but is it possible, or desirable?
Can a Four-Day Workweek Lead to a Healthier Workforce?
In this article, we will explore how a four-day workweek can affect productivity, morale, mental wellness and physical health. We will also look at the real-world practicalities of implementing a four-day workweek.
How tech can help you support your team’s mental health (2023)
In this article, we will explore five mental health tools for businesses in 2023 that can help employees manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues in unique and positive ways.
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Work Smarter Magazine explores how tech is changing the worlds of health and safety, PR, and team management.
Every day, new technologies and innovations are shaking up how we work. With Work Smarter Magazine you can find the latest information, as well as evergreen advice, on how to protect, organise, and support your workforce.